AffPapa Unwrapped: 2024 in Review

Outcry that started with the controversial ads soon spread to , located in kiosks, shops, restaurants, and service stations throughout Finland. Research had determined that more slot machines were placed in shops and other locations in low-income areas than in other areas, when analysed on a per capita basis, for example.

This reform needs Veikkaus’ slot machines to apply compulsory authentication. According to the Veikkaus official site, all of their slot machines will be experiencing a historical reform in an attempt to combat gambling addiction and underage gambling.

This brand new reform will see their slot machines at non-casino venues all across Finland be subject to mandatory authentication. Such places include kiosks, restaurants, stores and service stations.

Veikkaus Oys founding year is 2017

Ville Tervo is an experienced developer with a strong background in software engineering and system development, currently working at Veikkaus Oy since January 2017. Previously served as a Senior Software Engineer at Raha-automaattiyhdistys, where notable contributions included the development of a VPN solution for gaming machines, various M2M services, and a digital signage system. Additionally, Ville co-founded RTLab as Chief Engineer, focusing on Bluetooth technology demonstrations and business planning. A prior tenure at Nokia involved senior engineering work on Bluetooth drivers for Linux-based products. Educational credentials include a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Teknillinen korkeakoulu-Tekniska högskolan, complemented by a high school diploma from Linnan lukio. Proficient in a range of programming tools and languages such as C++, Java, Scala, and JavaScript frameworks.

– Hallitusohjelmakirjauksen mukaan uuteen rahapelijärjestelmään siirrytään viimeistään vuoden 2026 alussa, joten valmistautumisaika on lyhyt. Kansainvälistyminen ja pelialan muutokseen valmistautuminen ovat tärkeä osa Veikkauksen kasvustrategiaa. Veikkauksen toimintaympäristön muuttuminen edellyttää myös johtoryhmältä uudistumista ja uudenlaista osaamista. Uskon, että saamme nimitysten myötä Veikkauksen johtoryhmään innostuneita ja osaavia ihmisiä, jotka osaltaan auttavat Veikkausta onnistumaan tulevaisuuden tavoitteissaan, Veikkauksen toimitusjohtaja Olli Sarekoski sanoo.

Veikkauksen, Fintoton ja RAY:n henkilöstö siirtyi uuden rahapeliyhtiön palvelukseen lukuun ottamatta (STEA) siirtynyttä RAY:n avustusosaston henkilöstöä.

About Veikkaus:
Veikkaus was founded in 2017, via a merger of the former three Finnish gambling operators Fintoto, Finland’s Slot Machine Association RAY and the former Veikkaus. With ca. 1,440 employees and over a hundred different locations in Finland, the Veikkaus’ games are sold at numerous points of sales, including online and mobile apps. Veikkaus is entirely owned by the Finnish State and holds the exclusive right to operate gambling games in mainland Finland. Veikkaus’ proceeds are used for the common good in its entirety. The allocation of the proceeds is decided by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Veikkauksen johtoryhmä uudistuu osana yhtiön kasvustrategiaa

The focus of gaming is shifting towards digital games. Digital gaming increased by 10 percent during the first quarter of the year. We are competing over our customers’ time against global online game provision. The total Finnish gaming market amounted to an estimated EUR 487 million (+1%) in terms of GGR in the period between January and March, and Veikkaus’ share of the total market was nearly 90 percent. By versatile game offerings, we want to direct gaming towards responsible domestic channels. We have also decided to revise the company strategy in 2018, to respond to the profound changes in our operating environment.”

The President and CEO of Veikkaus is Mr Olli Sarekoski

Olli Sarekoski is the President and CEO of Veikkaus Oy, the Finnish national money gaming company. Veikkaus Oy holds the exclusive right to operate all gambling in Finland. Â Olli has been leading Veikkaus as a CEO since 2017 but has an extensive twenty years of history with Veikkaus as he joined already in 2003. Â Prior to his present post, he held different executive positions in business operations, strategy and planning. Additionally, Olli holds the Supervisory Chair of the European Lotteries Responsible Gaming and Sustainability Working Group, and he has also acted as the chairman of the board of Lotteries Entertainment Innovation Alliance (LEIA).

Veikkaus Vuosi 2015 oli Veikkauksen 75-vuotisjuhlavuosi

Veikkaus Oy started its operations at the beginning of 2017, as the Finnish gaming system was reformed and the previous three operators Fintoto, Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY), and Veikkaus merged into a single gaming company owned by the Finnish State. The Finnish system is based on the exclusive right principle, with the purpose of operating games responsibly and mitigating the possible risks involved in gambling. The system secures the legal protection of those engaging in gambling and prevents gambling-related fraud. Veikkaus operates all the gambling games that are offered in Finland. The games fall into three major categories: Lucky Games, Slot Machines and Instant Games, and Skill Games.

Digimarkkinointitoimisto Sininen Härkä

Veikkaus is a Finnish, state-owned gaming company that was established at the beginning of 2017 when Fintoto, Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY), and the former Veikkaus merged. Veikkaus exclusively offers various types of gambling games in mainland Finland, such as Lotto and other lottery games, slot machines, and other casino games, betting and toto games, as well as scratch cards.

Veikkauksen yksi tärkeimmistä tavoitteista on pitää pelaaminen ..

Jarkko Nordlund vahvistaa Veikkauksen johtoryhmää laajalla kansainvälisellä ja kotimaisella osaamisellaan muutosjohtamisesta, kuluttajaliiketoiminnasta, markkinointiviestinnästä ja mediasta. Nordlund on työskennellyt aiemmin mm. MTV Oy:n sekä Universal Musicin Suomen ja Baltian toimintojen toimitusjohtajana. Nordlund tulee suunnittelemaan ja valmistelemaan Veikkauksen liiketoiminnan tulevaisuutta mahdolliseen lisenssijärjestelmään liittyen yhdessä Veikkauksen liiketoimintajohtajan, COO Nora Vähävirran kanssa.

CEO & Founder 040 8222 843 · Digimarkkinointitoimisto Sininen Härkä

From May 20–24, 2019, the seven startups participated in the challenge week at Veikkaus’ head offices in Helsinki. Working alongside specialists from Veikkaus, the startups developed their ideas. The individual works were judged by a seven-member jury comprising: Timo Kiiskinen, SVP of Business Operations, Veikkaus; Heidi Ioannidou, VP of Business Development and Innovation, Veikkaus; Jani Karjalainen, Esports Specialist, Veikkaus; Olli-Pekka Villa, CEO, Starsquad Event; Lasse Salminen, CEO and Co-founder, Havu Gaming; Kenneth Lehtinen, Founder and Owner, NHLGamer; and JP Virtanen, Founder and Managing Partner, Avanto Ventures. At the end of the week the jury unanimously selected German contenders, GameBuddy as winners.

Competitive market requires stronger protection for Veikkaus

Veikkaus on kotimainen peliyhtiö, ja meillä on erityinen tehtävä. Haluamme, että pelejämme pelataan turvallisesti ja maltilla. Rahapelejämme pelaavat lähes kaikki aikuiset suomalaiset, ja meillä on yli kaksi miljoonaa etuasiakasta. Pelaajien ansiosta yhteiseen hyvään kertyy yli miljardi euroa vuodessa. Pelien tuotoilla tarjotaan mahdollisuuksia parempaan elämään.