Veikkaus Oy is located at 99600, SODANKYLÄ, Lappi Finland

– Yhteistyösopimuksemme Veikkauksen kanssa vahvistaa entisestään Relacomin asemaa yhtenä Suomen merkittävimmistä lähihuolto- ja asennuspalvelujen toimittajista. Syventyneen yhteistyön myötä Relacom vastaa myös pelipäätteiden valtakunnallisesta keskuskorjaustoiminnasta. Vastuullamme on, että Veikkauksen 3 200 siamiespisteessä ympäri maata sijaitsevat pelipäätteet toimivat moitteettomasti, jotta pelaajat pääsevät päivittäin tavoittelemaan unelmiaan, Relacom Finland Oy:n Enterprise Solutionsin johtaja Antti Siipola sanoo.

Throughout the fall 2022 there has been an on-going discussionconcerning the partial opening of the Finnish gambling monopoly,which currently is completely operated by the state-owned VeikkausOy (hereinafter "Veikkaus"). Agroundbreaking opening for the discussion on changing the long-termpractice was the interim report published by Veikkaus in September2022, in which Veikkaus itself proposes to bring all the operatorsof the gambling industry under the same regulation. In practice,this would mean moving to the so-called license model. Practicallyevery political party of Finland's parliament has sinceexpressed support for the license model and the authorities'work on the subject has also begun.

HH Partners, attorneys-at-law supported Veikkaus Oy in drafting open source guidelines and in developing practices related to the use of open source software. Veikkaus is a Finnish, state-owned gaming company that was established at the beginning of 2017 when Fintoto, Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY), and the former Veikkaus merged. Veikkaus exclusively offers various types […]

Veikkaus Oy, Espoo, Finland. 6 likes · 13 were here. Local business.

Veikkaus Oy is the leading national gaming company in Finland with a turnover of 1792.7 million EUR, of which over 30% came from E-business activities.

Veikkaus Oy is the Finnish national betting agency. It is owned by the Finnish state, and has an exclusive betting license in Finland.

Veikkaus creates joy through games and protects it. We want to make sure that gambling in Finland stays on the joyful side. All our actions are guided by sustainability. We want to be a trailblazer in the gaming industry, and a trendsetter of a responsible player experience. Wellbeing is our passion. It is important that our employees enjoy coming to work every day. We offer versatile and extensive employee benefits. With us, you get to do work that makes a difference, in a spirited work community that is constantly developing. Let’s work together – to keep gambling on the joyful side.

The main operation of Veikkaus Oy is to provide lotto games, pools, betting games, instant games and other draw games, at the same time promote public good in Finland.

Veikkaus Oys location is Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland

Suspicious business activity means a transaction that deviates from the customer's usual activity or is atypical for the activity. Therefore, what is atypical depends on the customer or the situation. If you detect an unusual transaction, find out the reason for the transaction. If the transaction appears suspicious even after the clarification received, or if you do not receive any clarification, report the incident immediately to the Money Laundering Clearing House of Finland. As an agent, you can also submit a report through Veikkaus Oy.

Pragmatic Play goes live in Finland with Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus has around 1600 employees all over Finland and some of them work during the weekends and at night. For this reason, organising traditional training sessions is not only difficult, it is also expensive, Training Manager Hannu Heinonen states. RAY needed a time saving and cost effective tool to share training material fast to different recipients and that’s when came to the picture. This was especially important considering their employees, so that the know-how and skills regarding new game products could be ensured effectively.

Only Veikkaus Oy may offer gambling in mainland Finland

The change negotiations, which were launched at the beginning of September, and which concerned a total of 825 employees, have now been finalized. Veikkaus’ organizational structure will undergo changes that will support strategy-based goals, i.e., to be the market leader in Finland in the future and an internationally competitive, growing gambling company.As a consequence of the change negotiations Casino Tampere will be closed after 9th, December 2023.The exact dates of the employment relations to end, as well as the material changes to the terms of employment, will be determined by the end of the year. Among the factors affecting them will be the employees’ decisions on whether they will accept the positions and titles offered, as well as potential internal transfers within the company.For more information visit

Veikkaus Oy, Veikkaus, Finland

Eight charity associations together with representatives of the Finnish government founded Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY) and it started its operations in 1938. From the very beginning, funds acquired from the slot machine games have been used for developing the public health. RAY, Fintoto and Veikkaus merged into a single gaming company called Veikkaus Oy (Ltd.) owned by the Finnish State on January 1st 2017.

Veikkaus Oy to pay particular attention to key Finland reforms

The change negotiations, which were launched at the beginning of September, and which concerned a total of 825 employees, have now been finalized. Veikkaus’ organizational structure will undergo changes that will support strategy-based goals, i.e., to be the market leader in Finland in the future and an internationally competitive, growing gambling company.

Pragmatic Play begins slots deal with Finlands Veikkaus Oy

Valtio-omisteinen Veikkaus epäilemättä tuottaa toisaalle iloa ja toisaalle murhetta. Asetelman muutos edellyttäisi poliitikoilta uusia linjauksia. Toistaiseksi asiaan ei ole ollut intohimoja. Larsenin päätelmä on, että ”omaa etua maksimoidaan yleisen sijaan”. Päättäjät ovat aktiivisesti mukana Veikkauksen tai sen edunsaajien toiminnoissa, mikä tuo heille rahaa, valtaa ja arvostusta. Kaikissa puolueissa on päättäjiä, joiden sidonnaisuudet nykyiseen veikkausmaailmaan hillitsevät muutoshaluja.

Veikkaus: Lotto, Keno, Pitkäveto ja muut pelit verkkokaupasta

Veikkaus siirtää huolto- ja korjaamotoimintansa Relacom Finland Oy:lle liikkeenluovutuksen kautta. Kahdeksan Veikkauksen työntekijää siirtyy Relacomin palvelukseen vanhoina työntekijöinä.