[PDF] Veikkaus Oy:n toimihenkilöitä koskeva työehtosopimus

The audits performed nearly two decades ago examined the sponsorship activities of Veikkaus and the crediting of the Slot Machine Association’s proceeds. As the task was to audit the appropriateness of the operations, the scope of the audits exceeded that of a regular financial audit.

When we audited the sponsorship activities of the old Veikkaus, the purpose was to ensure that the company does not decide how to distribute profits based on sponsorship and that there is always a justified financial reason for any sponsoring activities. The Ministry of Education and Culture decides on the distribution of Veikkaus’ profits.

Our next gathering will take place on the 27th of November from 16:00 forward, feel free to bring own games even that we always have dozens of games available for variety of tastes and preferences! Special treats will be provided by our sponsor - Veikkaus Game Studio!


In the 1990s, Veikkaus expanded its operations from the national lottery and football pools to new betting games. As a result, the company aimed for a better visibility in sports through sponsorship agreements, among other things. However, at the same time, many these sponsored events also received a share of Veikkaus’ proceeds allocated by the former Ministry of Education.

In its audit conducted in 2001, the NAOF could not give any strong opinions about the overall targeting of sponsorship activities. It also proved impossible to estimate the amount of sponsorship, as at the same time Veikkaus also purchased marketing visibility from the sponsored events, and it was not always straightforward to separate between the two activities.

“Veikkauksen pelikate ei ollut alkuvuonna odotetulla tasolla. Tähän vaikutti muun muassa vastuullisuuden toimenpiteet ja yleisen ostovoiman heikkeneminen. Alkuvuoteen mahtui kuitenkin myös onnistumisia useilla osa-alueilla,” kommentoi Olli Sarekoski Veikkaus Oy:stä.

Veikkaus Oy julkaisi osavuosikatsauksensa, jossa tarkastellaan konsernin toimintaa ja taloudellisia lukuja ajanjaksolla 1.1.–30.6.2024.

Veikkaus rahoittaa poliittisia nuorisojärjestöjä valtavilla ..

This is a challenging task. The merger of the different gambling operators involved many changes. Now that Veikkaus has operated in its current form for a few years, it might be a good time to assess how the company accumulates assets and prevents negative impacts of gambling. The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority has already initiated an overall assessment of the Finnish gambling system. This will also provide a great starting point for an audit on Veikkaus.

So far the NAOF has not conducted a single audit on the new Veikkaus

The monitoring system is used to verify betting games’ compliance with rules and regulations and to provide the criteria for the monitoring of games, provided by law and decree.
Monitoring checks the amounts of prizes in the games. This means that the betting turnover, rejected coupons and prizes are checked in the game material sealed by monitoring, and the amounts of prizes are calculated. These results are compared with Veikkaus’ calculations of prizes. When the comparison of game materials is in order, the monitoring system confirms the monitoring protocol.

So what about Veikkaus and the pending residence permit?

Tandem development takes place in a multi-vendor environment in co-operation with Veikkaus, Siili Solutions, RND Works and SC5.

Pääsponsori Veikkaus kehityksen esteenä

The National Police Board supervises that the information in Veikkaus Oy’s gaming system and in the monitoring system correspond to each other. Whenever any discrepancies are detected in the comparison, IT control specialists prepare a report before any confirmation measures. The reasons for discrepancies include errors in data communications or IT systems, or errors due to manual operations of Veikkaus.

Veikkaus: Lotto, Keno, Pitkäveto ja muut pelit verkkokaupasta

2. Technical implementation
This task can’t be overestimated – technical implementation is easily the most time consuming of all functions. At Veikkaus, we have around 40 frontend developers working on the gaming site. The primary objective of developers dedicated to Veikkaus Tandem is to unify the ways-of -working and to make reusable components available to all developers.

Lataa pelit peukalosi ulottuville sekä puhelimissa että tabletilla

Based on the statistics of Gambling helpline Peluuri, the focus of gambling problems has shifted from physical slot machines to slot machines offered in the digital channel. The same trend is also evident in the surveys commissioned by Veikkaus from Taloustutkimus.

Veikkaus jatkaa NHL:n kumppanina Suomessa

The objective was to extend compulsory authentication to all the ticket-based games provided by Veikkaus at the end of 2022. However, a world-wide shortage of components has led to delays in the manufacturing of the new terminals, on which authentication is based. Veikkaus has therefore proposed to the Ministry of the Interior to delay the compulsory authentication covering ticket-based games, which is to be adopted on 1 January 2023, to start on 1 January 2024.

Enhanced counterparty due diligence (KYC, AML, PEP ..

One of the cornerstones at Veikkaus is a data-driven approach to design. So we have an ability to A/B test all components before starting to use them in the live site. The criteria are strict: the new component has to perform better than the previous one.