Veikkaus (Pelaamo Kemi Corona) updated their profile picture.

The corona restrictions were discontinued in Finland at the beginning of the year, and all Veikkaus arcades and casinos were kept open during the financial period. Only a small number of Veikkaus’ slot machines were closed at the beginning of the year due to the coronavirus epidemic. This was clearly visible in the gross gaming revenue generated by the slot machines, which amounted to EUR 80.4 million (+77.3% as compared with the respective period in 2021). In the first half of the previous year, most slot machines were kept closed for about four months.

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– The obligatory loss limits that were introduced to slot machines in 2021 have led to a decrease in the volume of slots gambling. Further, the coronavirus epidemic affected players’ consumer behaviour, e.g., so that people frequent shopping centres less often, which leads to reduced customer numbers especially at the game arcades, says Ms Regina Sippel, Veikkaus’ CFO.

According to a survey commissioned by Veikkaus and carried out by the market research company Taloustutkimus in April and May, problem gamblers represented 2.5% of the entire Finnish population (population estimate 104,000 people). The survey shows that the number of problem gamblers has remained at the same level as in the survey made in 2020. Before that, the prevalence of gambling problems was about 3 percent.

Veikkaus stänger spelautomater i corona-drabbade områden

Spel med snabbt tempo är till exempel kasino- och penningautomatspel. Utöver den maximala förlustgränsen ska alla spelare fortsättningsvis sätta upp egna förlustgränser per dygn och månad. De egna förlustgränserna kan inte vara högre än de maximala förlustgränserna.

Bestämmelser om förlustgränserna för Veikkaus spel utfärdas genom förordning av inrikesministeriet. De maximala förlustgränserna har sänkts tillfälligt på grund av coronapandemin. Första gången sänktes de maximala förlustgränserna våren 2020. Senast i december 2020 förlängdes giltighetstiden för den sänkta maximala förlustgränsen per dygn genom en förordning som gäller till och med den 31 mars 2021.

The loss limits of Veikkaus Oy's fast-paced gambling games are to be lowered. The maximum loss limit will be lowered to EUR 500 (now 2,000) per month and EUR 500 (now 1,000) per day. Amendments to the Act will enter into force on 1 May and will remain in force until 30 September 2020. The aim of the amendments is to prevent and reduce more effectively economic, social and health harm caused by gambling during the coronavirus epidemic.

In order to prevent coronavirus infections, Veikkaus Oy has closed down, for the time, all slot machines across the country, game rooms and the casino located in Helsinki. Because the coronavirus epidemic has led to the current restrictions and increased staying at home, gamblers may move to fast-paced online gambling involving particular risk of harms. Fast-paced games refer to Veikkaus Oy's eBingo, Tähdenlento, virtual betting and electronic money lotteries (online lotteries), and online casino games and slot machine games.